
dimanche 21 février 2010

5th Saturday Subject: Shalom Beloved %%FirstName%% In Jesus! M-L-M Crystal Ball!

Shalom Beloved %%FirstName%% In Jesus!

Would it be okay if You had a Crystal Ball which could
predict whether or not a company will fail?

If you check 10 suc*cessful, experienced, proven
net*work mark*eting companies, each selling an
identical product with identical ingredients, then you
know their product wholesale cost is within pennies of
each other.

So how can it be that one company sells Product X for
$116 retail, and another company sells the identical
product for $40 retail? And what does it mean to YOU if
your company has that higher-priced product?

This Saturday night, [DATE], at 8:55 pm Eastern time,
Michael Dlouhy will reveal all the details about "How
M-L-M Busi*ness Models Drive Behavior".

It is F*REE to listen to this LIVE conf. call. However
we only have a limited number of spots on the
conference bridge.

Just reply back with "Busi*ness Models" in the subject
line to confirm your planned attendance.

As soon as I get your reply, I'll make sure to reserve
you a spot on the call and get the access information
to you.

This is going to be one packed out call!

This information is critical to your fin*ancial future
... especially the Walmart se*cret!

To Your Utmost Providential Success!

Your Friend For Life!

You Deserve Respect & Success!

Felix Alexander,
Missionary In Christ-Jesus!
215-641-1659 Anytime!

PS: Be sure to check out our ebook which shows
you step-by-step on how to reach your dreams.


Felix Alexander,
Missionary In Christ-Jesus!
215-641-1659 Anytime!

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