
dimanche 21 février 2010

1st Saturday Subject: Shalom Beloved %%FirstName%% In Jesus! Who Stole Your Bonus Check And Why?

1st Saturday Subject: Shalom Beloved %%FirstName%% In Jesus! Who Stole Your Bonus Check And Why?

Shalom Beloved %%FirstName%% In Jesus!

Have you ever wondered how one person can talk to
25 prospects and sign up 20 and another person can
talk to those same people and struggle to get just

The one thing common to both situations is the person
doing the talking. So what is the difference between
someone who can attract 20 out of 25 and someone who
can attract 1 out of 25?

That difference can lead someone to high levels of
success in any business and any job. If you know this
secret, you can basically determine your own destiny.

Want proof?

Here are two people who learned this secret and applied
it to their jobs. One person applied this secret at his
sales job and earn an extra $1,000 in just two days.

Another person took this secret and applied it to some
prospective clients that had never bought from their
company. These prospective clients turned into paying
customers to the tune of over $180,000 in just 6 weeks.

This secret when properly applied can allow you and
any one who wants to use it to write their own check.

What is this secret?

What can it do for you?

To find out, you need to join us in our tele-seminar
this Saturday, ENTER DATE HERE, at 8:55PM Eastern time.
Just hit the reply button right now and send me an email
saying, "What's the secret" and I will send you the access
information for this call

If you are ready to turn your prospects into customers
and business associates, then you need to be on this

Hit reply now. You'll be glad you did.

To Your Utmost Providential Success!

Your Friend For Life!

You Deserve Respect & Success!

Felix Alexander,
Missionary In Christ-Jesus!
215-641-1659 Anytime!

PS: Be sure to check out our ebook which shows
you step-by-step on how to reach your dreams.


Felix Alexander,
Missionary In Christ-Jesus!
215-641-1659 Anytime!

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