
vendredi 16 avril 2010

Shalom Beloved Fellow Network Marketer (MLMER)! From Author Michael Dlouhy: "Prospects Are Like A Box Of Chocolates!"

Tips On Making Money From Home Work: It's Too Good to be True!

Shalom Beloved Fellow Network Marketer (MLMER)! From Author Michael Dlouhy:

"Prospects Are Like A Box Of Chocolates!"

Three Very Revealing Quizzes For You: Do You Think Like A Prospect? "Some things just cannot possibly be said any better. This first article is one of them. It's a piece I'm borrowing from Ed Thorpe who writes "The Home Grown Biz Advocate Ezine". You can visit Ed on the web at: http://www.lazydudepublishing.com.

His article really sets up our main quiz today. Here it is:

THE CHARLES SCHULTZ LESSON By Edward Thorpe If you are like me, you've probably asked yourself "Hm, what kinda person am I? Am I a good , honest, caring person?, etc. What I'mgetting at... We all have some ideas about who we are and what we stand for, wouldn't you agree? Because you're here and you don't yet know me, you deserve to know what kinda guy I am.

Actually, I couldn't tell you the things important to me, any better than Charles Schultz, the creator of the much-loved 'Peanuts' cartoon series, did.

The following was written by the late Charles Schultz and is a darn near perfect description of how I view life in general.

(You don't actually have to take the quiz below. Just read it straight through. You'll get the point.)

"The Charles Schultz Philosophy!"

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.

4. Name any ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer prize.

How did you do?


These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish.

Achievements are forgotten. Acoolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

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